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Preventive Measures in response to COVID-19

Since the recent development of the pandemic, Tour Mechanics now request all customers and visitors comply with the following arrangements, including:

  1. Suspend the provision of Practice Session services;

  2. Everyone is required to scan the LeaveHomeSafe (LHS) venue QR code via the LHS mobile app before entering the Tour Mechanics premises;

  3. If you cannot scan the LHS venue QR code, please fill in the specified form and put it into the form collection box;

  4. Everyone is required to undergo a temperature check. Anyone who records a temperature of 37.6 degrees Celsius or above will be asked to leave the premises and advised to seek immediate medical assistance;

  5. A person must wear a mask at any time within Tour Mechanics premises;

  6. Eating & drinking is prohibited in all areas;

  7. No more than 2 persons in each room;

  8. To safeguard and protect the health and safety of all customers and staff, no person will be allowed to access Tour Mechanics premises if he / she:

(a) has had within 14 days prior to the date of visit any of the common symptoms of COVID-19 – such as fever, malaise, dry cough, shortness of breath, nasal congestion, headache, conjunctivitis, sore throat, diarrhea, loss of taste or smell, skin rash or discolouration of fingers or toes;

(b) is currently subject to any quarantine order issued by the Government;

(c) has been in close contact with any person who has travelled outside Hong Kong and is currently subject to a quarantine order issued by the Government, in particular family members, helpers or drivers;

(d) has been in close contact with any person who is a confirmed or preliminary positive case of COVID-19 infection in Hong Kong or overseas within 14 days prior to the date of visit;

(e) lives in a building in which there has been a confirmed case of COVID-19 within 14 days prior to the date of visit as published by the Centre for Health Protection;

(f) is required to undergo COVID-19 testing pursuant to a compulsory testing notice or direction and has not been confirmed negative.

In addition, we will also implement the following measures to reduce the risk of infection, including:

  1. Disinfect the equipment and clubs in the room once an hour;

  2. Disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as buttons, door handles, and door keys once an hour;

  3. Provide alcohol hand rub and masks to those in need.

All lessons at Tour Mechanics will remain normal, and practice session will be suspended until further notice. The aforementioned actions are introduced to protect customers’ and staffs’ health and we hereby request everyone to abide by these measures. We will pay close attention to the development of the COVID-19 pandemic and make arrangements in due course. We do apologise for any inconvenience these precautionary measures may cause.

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